PM announces to forgive dissident party members

PM announces to forgive dissident party members


The society does not end after losing a war, but after the deterioration of ethics.

MALAKAND (Dunya News) - Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan on Sunday announced that if the dissident party members want to return back, he will forgive them.

Addressing the public gathering in Malakand, the premier said that the agitated assembly members want to carry a practice that not even an enemy carries out. The society does not end after losing a war, but after the deterioration of ethics.

He added that Allah has directed us to support the virtuous and do Jihad against evil. They are buying the loyalities of people with the stolen money. When the ethics of the the nations get detriorated, people stop doing the hard work. Some of my MNAs have committed mistake. The leader of the party is like a father. This is the Pakistan of public which is conscientious.

If I have to pay a bribe by bargaining for conscience, I curse such a government 

PM Imran said that now every child across the country knows the name of the MNAs. They know that if you left the party, money was the reason. No one will accept what you say. The title of conscience sellers will be attached with the name of MNAs. If I have to pay a bribe by bargaining for conscience, I curse such a government.

PTI will emerge victorious in the upcoming local bodies elections

Paying homage to the people of Dargai, PM Khan added that the public will support that party which will stand for Pakistan. We hope that PTI will emerge victorious in the upcoming local bodies elections. The public of Dargai stands with PTI. In the life of nation, the challenging times do come. The biggest dacoits of Pakistan have become united.

The judiciary and election commission is observing the sellers of conscience

He further added that on one side the biggest dacoit of the country have united themselves, while on the other hand there are people who have done struggle of 25 years against these dacoits. The challenging times for the country have arrived. There is a difference between a conscience seller and a dacoit. The judiciary and election commission is observing the sellers of conscience.

This is the time of making decision

PM mentioned that the exchange of loyalities is being carried out in the name of democracy before whole of the country. We have taken the democratic system from Britain and never heard about conscience selling from past 20-25 years. This is the time of making decision. Allah has not directed us to remain neutral.

PM Khan went on to mention that PML-N sent Asif Ali Zardari twice in Jail. PPP filed cases of corruption against Nawaz Sharif under theft charges. The case of Hudaibiya Papers Mill was made by PPP on Nawaz Sharif. The title of diesel was given by PML-N to Fazlur Rehman. The NAB case on Maulana was made during the rule of PML-N. Our religion says to respect parents.

I will not bow before anyone

He added that president PML-N suggested me that I should not have said ‘absolutely not’. Shehbaz Sharif says EU should not have been criticized. I would like to tell the Leader of the Opposition that during the interview I was asked that Pakistan will give bases against Afghanistan in response to which I had said ‘absolutely not’. The US war cost the country more than 100 billion dollars. We have told the US that we are with them in peace but not in war. I will not bow before anyone. No ambassador has the right to speak in public on the country s foreign policy. The European ambassador spoke out against the protocol.

Fazlur Rehman never spoke against Islamophobia once in 30 years

The United Nations (UN) has passed a resolution calling for a day of anti-Islamophobia on March 15 each year. Fazlur Rehman never spoke against Islamophobia once in 30 years. The name of Islam never came out of their mouths. We fought the case of Muslims in the world and succeeded We saved our people and economy during Corona and now the world is seeing us as an example to follow.